Feature Request: Overview of created timers/stopwatches/transitions in the app setting

Issue #2 resolved
Dirk Göbel created an issue

Hi Arie,

As already mentioned in the forum, I would like to see the following functions:
1. Creating the timers/stopwatches/transitions in the app's settings (as with the CountDown app). So that it is possible to select an already created timer/stop/transition in the flow cards via dropdown. I think this solution is also more user-friendly, as it avoids spelling errors.
2. An overview of all timers/stopwatches/transitions, including the current time when they are running (could be combined with point 1).

Thx and BR

Comments (4)

  1. arie repo owner

    Hey Dirk,

    Fixing point one, dropdown selects for chronographs, would be a breaking change.
    I’ll think about how this can be handled.

  2. arie repo owner

    Hey Dirk, check out the new test version!
    You can now select chronographs from a dropdown/select menu.
    The name field is still there, so you can also still use tags :)See the forum, ill be writing a post there!

    So, no need to go into settings, but the same behavior as what i made for Countdown, Better Logic, Advanced Triggers, etc.

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