Timers Failing

Issue #26 resolved
Nathan Glitch created an issue


This could be user error but everything seems so straight forward that I don’t know what I am missing.

When I use almost any card (mostly countdown) the flow ignores my input for time and completes it in 10-15 sec. I have played around with the cards in every-witch way I can figure but no change.

Chronograph: v2.0.12

Home Pro 2023: 10.0.0-rc.105


Comments (11)

  1. arie repo owner

    This card only starts a timer.

    and the card itself is started in 10-15 MILLIseconds ;)

    You also need a When timer finished card ;)

  2. arie repo owner

    Check the When card . Also the App Settings might help to beter understand it, since you will see the timer running

  3. Nathan Glitch reporter

    OMG! That explains that, I was assuming the card was the actual timer, much how the native delay function works.

    Though now i am running into another hiccup, I can name a new timer but I’m not able to select or type a timer that already exists.

  4. Nathan Glitch reporter


    Sadly that is after i’ve clicked “save' on the flow. I can confirm the timer of that given name is running in the Config page.

    I have also removed the used cards → uninstalled the app → restarted homey → added the app back-> tried the same process again…. same result.


  5. Nathan Glitch reporter

    also…. If i manual type in the name to the 2nd card (finish card) even if I add it with the same name (ignoring its “new” label) → hitting save → testing flow…. it doesn’t connect the two. Just wanted to see if it magically worked by doing that. :-D

  6. Nathan Glitch reporter

    Well, this is interesting. While it is a HP23, but i disabled and re-enabled the flow for fun and BOOM! it worked.

  7. arie repo owner

    Yeah, HP2023 has known issues with the OnUpdate of flowcard-arguments.

    i have reported it and it should have been mostly fix already, but you are not on the latest version of HP, i believe it at rc110.

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