Memorize a STOPWATCH

Issue #6 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello and thanks for the wonderful app. Is it possible to memorize a timer (STOPWATCH) through a variable (better logic or other) to know, for example, how long a light is turned on during a month? Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. arie repo owner

    Hey, i am not entirely sure i understand what or how you want this.

    You want to keep a stopwatch to track when a capability/property of a device is changed to a certain value, and track the total duration the property is set to that value within a certain time period?

    If so, i can make this yeah, but not with a stopwatch i think, but with the DeviceCapabilities app. I can create a card which calculates the amount of time a certain value was active within a period based on the insights.

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