Timer xxx has reached a duration of…

Issue #7 wontfix
Former user created an issue

I’m using variables as timer names, so I know how many timers I’m using, and to easily find them. It works, except when “Timer xxx has reached a duration of…”.

Comments (5)

  1. arie repo owner

    Indeed, and, unfortuancly, this cannot be solved for Variables.
    Well, not without including the Athom-API (which is very memory heavy).

    In your example:

    Image 1 And-card: all the app does here is execute ALL When Timers flowcards with the given Name.
    Then Homey will execute each card to check wether to really execute the flows.
    There the name is checked based on the content of the token(variable in this case) and executed (or not).

    Image 1 Start card:

    Here the App gets the value of the variable, and then i can start the timer.

    Image 2:
    When Any Timer is done, all Timer-When cards are evaluated to be executed.
    I give the TImer name and Homey the token/variable/text value.
    I evaluate this and if the are the same, the flow is executed.

    Image 3:

    Whenever you save a flow with this card, the app gets a signal.
    The app then saves the names and reached-info from the cards.

    But when you use a variable/token, i cannot read that: i get a name like [[homey:app:logic|****]].

    And i cannot read the inside of a tag, without requiring full access to the Homey-Api.

    This would be a terrible overhead, and create much checkups when running any(!) timer.

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