Not working device available/unavailable

Issue #11 resolved
Erik van Oosten created an issue

Option device available/ not available does not work, the when card will not triggered if a device becomes available/unavailable

Comments (8)

  1. Erik van Oosten reporter

    Ow I haven't. It is the if card when a device becomes available/unavailable, then it is not triggerd

  2. Sharkys

    Aha, I mean :

    So you are able to create When condition but it’s not triggered anyway, interesting.

  3. Erik van Oosten reporter

    Yes indeed I can just do that:

    Sometimes i have that too, that it takes a long time to see the list but then is Homey busy or offline.

  4. arie repo owner

    Could simeone create a flow with a watch/listener in it?

    It might be that one is needed to activate all listeners, like device unavailable.

    Do you by change do not have a watch card yet?

  5. Erik van Oosten reporter

    I have several flows running as well, with indeed also watch/listeners in it. Unfortunately, that doesn't work

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