[REQ] A simple way to populate data through homeyscript

Issue #13 resolved
Niels created an issue

Would be great if we had the option of populating the fields in the virtual devices directly through homeyscript instead of homeyscript>homeyscript tags > flow with multiple flowcards > virtual device.

personally I wanted something similar to populate my MQTT data to some virtual temp sensors with the temp, humidity, battery and bt/wifi strength

Comments (2)

  1. arie repo owner

    Here are some examples:

    await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'Day-Amount', field:'number1', value:21});

    await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'Day-Amount', field:'measure_devicecapabilities_number-custom_1.number1', value:22});

    await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'c34dc5b4-3c30-48a9-8a4e-014aea93d00d', field:'measure_power', value:501});

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