One Picker value for wrong

Issue #24 resolved
Josef Zahner created an issue

I feel a bit bad, but I still have two issues with the picker for

  1. Due to a mistake I’ve told you one wrong value for the picker, can you please change the value “solar” to “pv”?
  2. With the flowcard “Bezeichnung setzen” I’m now able to set the selection for the picker, eg. "off". I’m trying to do the same with the better logic string variable “EVCC_Loadpoint_Mode”. But the issue is, as soon as I’m adding a variable, I’m getting the value together with a trailing space. Of course, value plus a trailing space doesn’t correlate to any value, so it doesn’t work. You can see the error below and as well a push notification with the values. How can I overcome this issue? Directly setting eg. "off" does work…

Comments (2)

  1. Josef Zahner reporter

    Ok, second issue seems to be a bug of the mobile app, I found an issue about that on the homey forum. So please ignore question 2, it works now (I’ve edited the flow with my mac).

    So just the value modification is requested. Sorry :-(

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