Watch target temperature - user/client

Issue #26 resolved
Marius Flugsrud created an issue


It is a shame that User/client returns empty when listening to target temperature of a device.

I’m trying to find an easy way to detect how the target temperature of my devices (Heatit - Z-Wave - Z-TRM3 and Melcloud heating pumps) are changed to detect when it has been changed either physically on the thermostats/Melcloud or outside flows in Homey.

Is there any way this could be done by Device Capabilities?

Comments (2)

  1. arie repo owner

    Well, you could create a virtual device (avd), use that one in flows and the Homey app.

    then add triggers to update the real thermostat when the avd is changed.

    any change on the avd would be through Homey, any other target settings are done through the actually thermostat device.

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