- changed status to open
Add ShowAs Power option for creating energy fields
Homey devices - like a Hue lightbulb - usually have two energy input fields: when on and when off.
Homey uses this value to compute the current energy consumption, taking in regard the status of the device. It’d be nice if those fields would work right out of the box.
These could be added as ShowAs Power option.
Comments (6)
repo owner -
repo owner Hey Thomas,
I am not exactly sure what you want.
If you create an AVD without a ShowAs=Power field, you will get the default fields for this in the Device (real) settings:
Could you exmplain more/better what you want?
reporter Hey @arie,
I created a sensor with a on off button and I only get a “Constant power usage (Watt)”, not “when off” and “when on”.
repo owner Turn on the checkbox for Create Real field and flowcards for the OnOff field
repo owner If that doesnt work for you, reopen this ticket.
repo owner - changed status to resolved
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