New "Flow And" card:

Issue #68 resolved
Jeroen Nijssen created an issue

A New "Flow And" card:

“And <device>, <capability> is <condition> <value> for <Duration> <Unit>


the shower is on when there is water running and the motion sensor is on but only if the water wasnt running for more then 2 minutes.

When <Motion sensor> <Shower> is on

And <Bathroom Sensor>, <Watersensor> is <Higher then> <10> for <Less then> <2 Minutes>

Flip the switch.

Comments (6)

  1. arie repo owner

    Can you not just use the flow the other way around?

    Use the

    WHEN Bathroom Sensor>, <Watersensor> is <Higher then> <10> for <Less then> <2 Minutes>

    AND <Motion sensor> <Shower> is on


    Would this not be the same?

  2. arie repo owner

    If you have another usecase where this is needed, please reopen the ticket and let me know.

  3. arie repo owner

    Also note: an app gets info on When cards used, but not on Condition cards, so the only way to get this working would be to log ALL capabilities of ALL devices.

    That would be extremly heavy todo.

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