FTP Client 530 error during uploading to Nas

Issue #5 new
Alex van Heulen created an issue

I get an 530 error during uploading the Simple log to my Nas with FTP.

With Filezilla I have no issues so on my hand I think everything is fine?

See topic, https://community.homey.app/t/app-pro-ftp-client-control-ftp-servers-through-a-directory-based-ui-in-the-homey-app-or-web-app/70876/113?u=heula


Alex (heula)

Comments (4)

  1. arie repo owner

    Are you connected with Secure?
    If so, can you try it with unsecure for a moment?
    I need to know it it’s a SSL thing or not.

  2. Alex van Heulen reporter

    Secure or not secure, both are giving errors.

    With SSL

    Without SSL it is the 530 error

  3. Sharkys

    I have seen the same, but error disappeared in 5-10 min or so…it was not download but trying to get URL for file.

  4. Sharkys

    Btw also Synology, other FTP works fine right after adding device.

    Also it blocked Homey on Synology, so I created exclusion based on IP

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