Q: Time stamp

Issue #6 resolved
Morten Bjerreskov created an issue

I have 8 outdoor cameras, and I would like to take “snapshots” once a day. and upload the files to my NAS folder.. This is no problem, it works just fine. But the next day it runs again, and because the filename is the same, it overrides the old file… Is it possible to add the “date” automatic to the filename, so it´s not overwriting the old file.. In the end I would like to have 365 .jpg files from each camera a year.

Comments (2)

  1. arie repo owner

    Yes you cab already, by using BLL coding. The example in the first posts on the forum topic uses that as example.

    Install BetterLogic library and use coding in the filename, like {[date('datetime')]}.jpg

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