Not possible to extract data from log anymore

Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Neils, last month (dec. 2022) I could collect data form mu Smile Power interface and store is via Simple log every 15 min, every day I collected the data with "" and reset the log file. Since Jan 1st of jan 16:00h I can not acces this "page" any more and get the response: {"code":401,"error":"not_logged_in","error_description":"You need to log in to access this resource"}

I've seen many remarks about similar cases, but the end mostly with a response like: change a app setting, but no explanation how or something about a BEARER out of date(???) without a understandable instruction. Is there something changed. I'm getting in a bit of panic as the log is limited and I can not get it out of the system . . . . Please Help

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