Log export with the "get the (whole) log" flowcard fails

Issue #11 resolved
Peter Dee created an issue

Hey Arie, I didn’t yet create an issue I think for this, so I did it now


Comments (6)

  1. Peter Dee reporter

    Not for me unfortunately, I still get the same results.

    Homey Pro 2019 / v8.1.3 / SSL v3.0.32

    I exported to all available formats 3 times, with a total log size of resp. 9838

    , 4522 and 6, so the log size is not an issue here imho?

    From all the formats we can export to, only base64 XLSX generates real output data, but the base64 is still resulting in an empty .xlsx sheet.

    If you like, I can PM you the full base64 code.

    Other format results:

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