can't see log

Issue #16 resolved
Aaron created an issue

when I try to access the log in the app settings, I keep getting Better logic Library hasn’t started yet.

restarting better log doesn’t help but restarting simple log does work, except i have to do it everytime I want to see the log

Comments (11)

  1. arie repo owner

    Do you have the latest BLL installed?

    Please send a diagnostic after you receive the message that BLL is not loaded please. Thanks

  2. Aaron reporter

    yes I have the current version. when i get the message I can't access anything until I hit the OK and then it goes away

  3. arie repo owner

    Please send me some printscreens of the error.

    And when the error appears, send me diagnostic of BLL and SSL please

  4. arie repo owner

    I hope you can send me the info, because i am trying to solve it right now but haven’t got much info this way.

  5. arie repo owner

    Because, right before your “review”, i did get errors from a BLL, but i can’t see if thats your system.

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