SimpleSysLog does not work anymore since update

Issue #21 resolved
Manfred Pauli created an issue

Hi Arie!

I just made the update from SimpleLog (which always has worked flawlessly) to SimpleSysLog and it stopped working.

Whenever I klick on „configure“ to see the log, I get an error message. (see attached screenshot). When I click ok I get the spinning busy indicator which never stops. Even restarting the app did not change anything.

Can you please help?

Thanks a lot in advance


(I am on Homey 8.1.4 on a Homey Pro, the white ball)

Comments (8)

  1. arie repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Send me a diagnostic please? I have been getting reports since 8.1.4 and the update. Also, is there a change you could re-install? For most that seems to work (but please send a diagnostic first).

  2. Manfred Pauli reporter

    Hi Arie!

    Yes, I am working on an iPhone 13 Pro Max, IOS 16.5.

    Unfortunately your update did not change anything.

    You can access the diagnosis under aec1989e-3c60-4458-8631-604f6e6be3b5.

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