Syslog TCP transport doesn't work

Issue #9 on hold
Former user created an issue

I have tested the flow connection and found that the UDP transport works but for TCP I still get the error message: "Invalid frame header".


[2023-03-14T19:20:17.290251] Incoming log entry; input='<134>Mar 14 20:20:16 homey-63c568c787e41c0b8ba0db6a HP2023 via Syslog-Client\x0a', msg='0x7fd777829000', rcptid='0'
[2023-03-14T19:20:41.993704] Outgoing message; message='<134>1 2023-03-14T20:20:16+00:00 homey-63c568c787e41c0b8ba0db6a HP2023 - - - via Syslog-Client\x0a'


[2023-03-14T19:22:49.988131] Invalid frame header; header=''

THX Chris

Comments (4)

  1. arie repo owner

    Hey Chris, is this resolved for you?

    I have succesfully connected to TCP, but my Synology still gives me issues on TCP.

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