Custom Virtual Device

Issue #22 resolved
Sarah created an issue

The current functionality of the app is impressive, but after selecting a device type ("Device") and a corresponding "Device Class," it becomes apparent that the available capabilities can be somewhat limiting.

To improve the app's usability and versatility, I suggest the addition of an additional “Device Class" option, aptly named "Custom." This new option would allow users to handpick from all available capabilities from the established classes (socket, light, heater, etc.) and as such specify the required subset suitable for their needs granting them greater control over their virtual devices' functionalities.

In addition to this, I propose the inclusion of an extra capability named "Cost" ($). With this feature, users can define a factor that facilitates automated energy-to-cost calculations. For instance, they could set 1 kWh to be equivalent to 0.33 $, allowing them to conveniently monitor energy costs associated with their virtual devices. Alternatively, users could utilize flows to establish personalized energy cost calculations for a more comprehensive understanding of day-to-day energy expenses across one or multiple devices.

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