Read timing out when downloading multiple chapters at a time.

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I try to download multiple chapters at a time, the read times out. Downloading 1 chapter at a time fixes this, but of course doing that is very tedious. I've tried on 2 different computers, one wired to the modem, and one wireless, so it's not the computer or internet speed. I'm trying to download This. I also attached a screenshot of the error message.

Comments (13)

  1. Red Squirrel repo owner

    First of all thank you very much for reporting the bug ;) Now, about the issue, are you using the latest version of the program (v1.1)? Are you getting that error always on the same chapter? Or is it random? And have you already tried again after some minutes (it could be also a temporary server issue)? I ask you these questions because I downloaded the whole Vol. 63 of that manga (which has 15 different chapters) with no similar error just now, so it should not be a permanent error or program's code bug


  2. The Nerd

    I probably should have mentioned that I'm not compressing the files to CBZ, I am using the latest version, and as I mentioned above, I tried 2 different computers. Also after messing with it for a while, I found that there are several chapters that take a couple tries to download. If you cannot fix this than I would recommend that instead of terminating the process when an error occurs, it should continue downloading the ones it can and the ones it can't, either try until it does or tell you what it failed to download.

  3. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Please could you tell me what are those problematic chapters which give you the error? So that I can replicate it and check what is not working

  4. The Nerd

    I don't have a complete list of the ones that didn't work, but one of them is the official color scan of volume 48 chapter 449. Also I did try downloading the CBZ files and I got the same results.

  5. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Thank you very much, one is enough for the purpose. I'll try it hoping it gives me the same error

  6. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Nope, no error with that chapter here :S I tried to download it five times, CBZ and RAW. Now I'm trying other colored chapters. In any case, as suggested in next version I'll change the download function to skip these errors, so you will can continue the download process. I'll give to the user the possibility to set the timeout duration too (now it is set to 10s by default). Maybe also the possibility to set number of download retries. These are the only things I can do with similar random errors caused by network quality between client and server and/or server status, all parameters I have no access to unfortunately

  7. mtnotaku

    I might have to do with the network (or network speed). When I tried this at work (where we have a very fast network), never a timeout. However, at home (where I have a somewhat slower network), I get those timeouts all the time. It might also be related to the service load. Middle of the day at work, no problem. At home over the weekend, lots of problems. Bottom line, you might want to look at adding some retry code in the script to handle the situation of a timeout when downloading a jpg.

  8. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Yes, as said above, I'm working to a new version where the user will can set a custom timeout (both for connection and read) and a number of retries for pages downloading errors

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