Multiple downloads

Issue #23 on hold
Former user created an issue

I am not sure if this has been suggested previously. Is it possible to update the downloader in such a way that it can download multiple manga at a time?

Comments (4)

  1. Red Squirrel repo owner

    To tell you the truth I already tried in the past to do multiple downloading instances but the server is not that very efficient xD Just downloading one manga often causes connection or read errors from their server, with multiple instances of parallel connections the errors management becames a real hell lol

  2. aerithstorm

    So basically, it is not that you, the developer, can't do it. The problem lies with the server that we are tapping into to get data from. Makes sense. Maybe next time.

  3. Red Squirrel repo owner

    The real underlying problem is that does not offer an API system to access their data, so the only way to download manga from their server is to do it just as a normal web browser. So, in short words, to download a manga the program have to: login (data are not available for not logged users) -> load the main page of the manga -> acquire the chapter's pages list -> load any of them (required to get the URL of the next page since there is no "summary" page with all the urls, so to get the next page's URL you need to load the current page...) -> finally download the image file of the page.

    As you can easily understand this is a procedure that makes many calls to server and all of them brings the risks of server errors caused by the current server load (afterall is a very famous site, it's normal that it has thousands of connected users often). This situation obviously deteriorates and becomes almost unbearable in the case of parallel procedures.

    I hope I have explained the current situation more clearly now, maybe if in future they're going to make a public API system available we'll can surely work more efficiently xD

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