Download button is working, but nothing is really saved to download folder

Issue #30 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! I would like to report some downloading issue with the current version (4.1) on Windows 10. The program was working fine last week but today it's not working anymore.

Whenever I finish downloading chapters, the "Process completed!" window shows up at the end. However, when I go to my download folder, nothing is really downloaded!

PS: This issue is similar to issue #15

Comments (2)

  1. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Please tell me what manga are you trying to download so as I can reproduce the bug and see where is the problem.

    P.s.: today had server issues (some manga chapters' pages did not load in the website too), are you sure that manga was working from the web?

  2. Red Squirrel repo owner

    I'm glad, if it works now then it means that most likely it was actually an issue related to server status. Many thanks and the same to you ;)

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