No files retrieved

Issue #32 resolved
Former user created an issue

I believe this has to do with their main cdn being down. If you could add option to change the cdn to one of their mirrors, I think it should work.

Comments (13)

  1. Red Squirrel repo owner

    I just tried with a couple of manga and it worked flawlessy here, could you specify me what manga are you trying to download so that I can reproduce the issue? Thx

  2. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Thank you, I tested them and it seems that there is an issue with their Cloudflare configuration that brings to an error (or better a 0-byte content length) when the program tries to access the the images files directly. Opening the same link from a web browser points to this error message: screenshot-2018-01-08-16_11-47.png

    It seems that it's an issue only they can fix, but I'll try to figure if doing more attempts maybe could solve the issue

  3. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Nope, unfortunatly even with more attempts sometimes it works and sometimes it continues to return 0-byte length content. I'll release a "final" v5 with a little fix for the download function (in the past it did not apply the Cloudflare cookie to the direct download of the images files) but, as said, it does not solve this issue completely. The maximum I could do is to add a check for the content, if it's a 0-byte response then the page will be added to the errors counter so you'll be warned when it happens.

  4. Jonah

    I have noticed that a few files do end up with some images attached. When I went to the page to look up the missing images I get the CND LAX error. Switching servers fixes this issue, at least browser wise.

  5. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Oh, I understood it now. Thx for the tip, I'll insert a function to test the various servers if something goes wrong with the first one

  6. Jonah

    Awesome. Works like a dream. Thank you for putting so much work into this. I only found out about it yesterday with the news of the shutdown but I'll make good use of it before the end. Cheers

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