# Custom Themes Manager v3.00 # by Red Squirrel (http://www.redsquirrel87.com) # Strings file # Removing path GETTING_LIST: "Getting files list to delete, please wait..." DELETING: "Deleting" PLSWAIT: "please wait" # Sort and Display mode SORT_BY: "Sort Custom Themes list by:" TITLE: "Title" AUTHOR: "Author" DOWNLOADS: "Downloads" DATE: "Date" XO: "X = confirm | O = cancel" SIZE: "Size" FOLDERNAME: "Folder name" INSTALLDATE: "Installation date" DISPLAYMODE: "Display mode:" GRID: "Grid" LIST: "List" MINIGRID: "Mini Grid" COMMANDS: "Available commands:" # Downloading previews DOWNLOADING: "Downloading preview images, please wait..." ABORT: "Keep pressed L+R to abort the procedure." PROGRESS: "Progress" OF: "of" # Extracting theme NOPS: "To prevent any possible corruption during files extraction, the PS button has been disabled." EXTRACTTHEMES: "Extracting Custom Theme's files, please wait..." EXTRACTWAIT: "Note: this procedure may take a long time. Be patient, please." # Errors OOPS: "Oops, an error occurred!" ERR1: "Unable to open the app.db file." ERR2: "Unable to prepare the SQL query." ERR3: "Unable to find any Custom Theme in the database." ERR5: "Unable to delete the Custom Theme's row from the database." ERR6a: "Custom Theme's row deleted from the database successfully but an error" ERR7: "Unable to clear the cache folder." ERR8: "Unknown file type." ERR9: "Installation process aborted by the user." ERR10: "Network error: unable to create a HTTP template." ERR11: "Network error: unable to create a HTTP connection to a URL." ERR12: "Network error: unable to create a HTTP request with URL." ERR13: "Network error: unable to send a HTTP request." ERR15: "Error while writing to file." ERR16: "Invalid or corrupted PARAM.SFO." ERR17: "Installation process completed but with some errors." ERR18: "Unable to find the selected Custom Theme (wtf?!)" ERR19: "Unable to delete the file." ERR21: "Unable to read the JSON list, please try again." ERR22: "Unable to load the JSON list, please try again." ERR23: "Unable to parse the JSON list, please try again." ERR24: "Found 0 results in the JSON list, please try again." ERR25b: "You need at least 30 MiB free to download and install a Custom Theme." ERR26b: "to extract the ZIP package!" ERR27b: "You need at least 100 MiB free to download and extract the ZIP file." ERR30: "Unable to open the downloaded ZIP file (corrupted?)." ERR31: "Unable to extract the downloaded ZIP file (corrupted?)." ERR32: "Unable to close the downloaded ZIP file (corrupted?)." ERR40: "Unable to create the ux0:customtheme/ folder." ERR41: "Unable to read the theme.xml file." ERR42: "Unable to get Custom Theme's title string from the theme.xml file." ERR43: "Unable to get Custom Theme's provider string from the theme.xml file." ERR44: "Unable to get Custom Theme's thumbnail string from the theme.xml file." ERR45: "Unable to get Custom Theme's home preview string from the theme.xml file." ERR46: "Unable to get Custom Theme's lockscreen preview string from the theme.xml file." ERR47: "Unable to get Custom Theme's version string from the theme.xml file." ERR48a: "Installation process aborted by the user." ERR50a: "Backup process failed." ERR50b: "An error occurred while copying the app.db file in the program's cache folder." ERR51a: "Restore process failed." ERR51b: "An error occurred while copying the app.db file in ur0:/ partition." ERRDEFAULT: "Unknown error code." ERRBATCH1: "The error occurred while processing the following Custom Theme:" ERRBATCH2: "An error occurred while processing the following Custom Theme's folder:" # Press buttons... PRESSANY: "Press any button to return to main menu." PRESSANY2: "Press any button to continue." PRESSSTARTANY: "Press START to proceed or any other button to cancel." PRESSCONTINUE: "Press START to continue anyway or any other button to abort the procedure." # Local folders installer LOCALCT: "Local Custom Themes folders available:" NOTE: "Note" NOTE1: "In this list you can" NOTE2: "find all the folders" NOTE3: "currently in" NOTE4: "which contain a" NOTE5: "(case sensitive!)" NOTE6: "file inside them." NOTE7: "Other files/folders," NOTE8: "as well as folders of" NOTE9: "already installed" NOTE10: "Custom Themes," NOTE11: "are not included." SCANNING: "Scanning folders and files in ux0:/customtheme/, please wait..." NOTHINGFOUND: "Nothing found." LOCALMENU1: "Press UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT or use the left analog stick to change selection." LOCALMENU2: "Press CROSS to view details for selected Custom Theme's folder." LOCALMENU3: "Press START to install all the Custom Themes' folders at once." LOCALMENU4: "Press CIRCLE to return to main menu or TRIANGLE to exit from the application." WARNINGBATCH1: "Warning: there will be no confirmation screen for data during the batch processing." WARNINGBATCH2: "This means that if by chance the program acquires erroneous data from any of the" WARNINGBATCH3: "Custom Themes you're installing, since it would write it into the database anyway," WARNINGBATCH4: "then it could cause a possible corruption or weird/unknown consequences." WARNINGBATCH5: "It would be wise to have a backup of your database (you can use the specific function" WARNINGBATCH6: "of this application that you can find in the 'Cache & backup management' menu)" WARNINGBATCH7: "before proceeding and to be sure of the quality of the Custom Themes you're installing." # Repo screen NEWSPACE: "[NEW] " BY: "by" PAGE: "Page" NAVIGATION: "Navigation:" ACTIONS: "Actions:" REPOMENU5: " Press R/L or slide on front touchscreen to change page." REPOMENU6: " Press UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT or the front touchscreen to change selection." REPOMENU7: " Use left analog stick to quickly scroll the list (only in list view mode)." REPOMENU8: " Press CROSS or the front touchscreen to view more details about the selected Custom Theme." REPOMENU10: " Press START to search for a keyword (in Custom Themes' title, author or description)." REPOMENU11: " Keep pressed L and press SELECT to change the sort order of the Custom Themes list." REPOMENU12: " Keep pressed L and press START to download all the Custom Themes preview images at once." REPOMENU13: " Press CIRCLE to return to main menu." REPOMENU14: " Press TRIANGLE to exit from the application." WARNINGDOWN1: "Warning: please note that for each Custom Theme available in the online repository" WARNINGDOWN2: "there are two preview images to download (homescreen and lockscreen previews)" WARNINGDOWN3: "and since there are hundreds of Custom Themes currently in the online repository" WARNINGDOWN4: "this procedure may take a long time and some tens of megabytes." WARNINGDOWN5: "To avoid corruptions, please be sure to prevent the standby mode during the process." SEARCHING: "Search for a keyword:" RESULTS: "results for your search. Press SQUARE to show commands list." FILTERMENU1: "Press UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to change selection." FILTERMENU2: "Use left analog stick to quickly scroll the list." FILTERMENU3: "Press CROSS to view more details about the selected Custom Theme." FILTERMENU4: "Press CIRCLE to return to the full list." # Repo details screen CREATEDBY: "Created by:" VERSION: "Version:" DOWNLOADS2: "Downloads:" DESCRIPTION: "Description:" TESTS: "Tests results:" REPOMENU1: "Press L/R or slide on front touchscreen to switch between details and preview images." REPOMENU2: "Press CROSS to download this Custom Theme." REPOMENU3: "Press CIRCLE to return to Custom Themes list." REPOMENU4: "Press TRIANGLE to exit from the application." DOWNLOADINGHOME:"Downloading homescreen preview image, please wait..." DOWNLOADINGLOCK:"Downloading lockscreen preview image, please wait..." HOMEPREVIEW: "Home Preview" LOCKPREVIEW: "Lockscreen Preview" INSTALLEDOK: "Custom Theme installed successfully!" # Uninstall WITH: "with" FILES: "file(s)" PROVIDER: "Provider:" PATHID: "Path/ID:" UNIMENU1: "Press START to completely uninstall this Custom Theme (db row + files)." UNIMENU2: "Keep pressed L and press START to remove this Custom Theme (db row only)." UNIMENULR: "Press L or R to browse between installed Custom Themes directly from this screen." UNINSTALLOK: "Custom Theme uninstalled successfully!" REMOVEOK: "Custom Theme removed from the database successfully!" UNIMENU4: "Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT on D-Pad or the left analog stick to scroll the list." UNIMENU5: "Press CROSS to view more details and preview images for the Custom Theme." UNIMENU7: "Keep pressed L and press SELECT to change the sort order of the Custom Themes list." UNIMENU8: "Press SQUARE to show/hide this commands list." UNIMENU9: "Press SQUARE to show commands list." UNIMENU11: "Keep pressed L and press CROSS to select all the Custom Themes." UNIMENU12: "Keep pressed L and press CIRCLE to unselect all the Custom Themes." UNIMENU13: "Press START to completely uninstall all the selected Custom Theme (db row + files)." UNIMENU14: "Keep pressed L and press START to remove all the selected Custom Theme (db row only)." SUREUNINSTALL1: "Are you really sure to completely uninstall the Custom Theme?" SUREREMOVE1: "Are you really sure to remove the Custom Theme only from the database?" GENERAL: "-General:" BATCHMODE: "-Batch mode:" SUREBATCH1: "Warning: you are using the batch processing." SUREBATCH2: "This operation will affect" SUREBATCH3: "Custom Theme(s)." BATCHUNIOK: "All the selected Custom Themes have been uninstalled successfully!" BATCHUNIERR: "Uninstallation batch processing completed with errors." # Cache/backup BACKUP1: "There is a backup for the app.db file created at" BACKUP2: "There is no backup available for the app.db file." CACHEMENU1: "Press START to clear app's cache folder." CACHEMENU2: "Press CROSS to backup the current app.db file." CACHEMENU3: "Press SELECT to restore the app.db file backup (if any)." CACHEMENU4: "Press SQUARE to delete the app.db file backup (if any)." CACHEMENU5: "Press CIRCLE to return to main menu" CACHEMENU6: "Press TRIANGLE to exit from the application." CLEARCACHE1: "Warning: if you proceed clearing the cache then the app will have to download the" CLEARCACHE2: "Custom Themes preview images again next time you access to the online repository." SURECONTINUE: "Are you really sure to continue?" CREATEBACKUP1: "Warning: any existing backup file will be overwritten." CREATEBACKUP2: "Be sure to proceed only if the current app.db file gives you no problem at all." RESTORE1: "Warning: this procedure will replace the current app.db file with an old one." RESTORE2: "This means that you'll lose any change/customization/homebrew" RESTORE3: "you installed in the meanwhile." RESTORE4: "Please also note that the console will be rebooted at the end of the process." DELETEBACKUP: "Warning: the backup of your app.db file (if any) will be deleted and irretrievably lost." BACKUPPING: "Backupping current app.db file, please wait..." BACKUPOK: "Backup of the current app.db file created successfully!" RESTORING: "Restoring the app.db file backup, please wait..." RESTOREOK: "Backup of the app.db file restored successfully!" COMPLETE: "Procedure completed." DELETEOK: "Cache folder cleared successfully!" DELETEBKPOK: "app.db file backup deleted successfully!" NOPSDB: "To prevent any possible corruption to the database, the PS button has been disabled." # Getting installed custom themes screen COUNTING: "Counting Custom Themes currently installed, please wait..." LOADINGTHEMES: "Loading Custom Themes currently installed, please wait..." # Un/installing custom themes screen WRITING: "Writing Custom Theme's row into the database, please wait..." REMOVING: "Removing Custom Theme's row from the database, please wait..." EXTRACTED1a: "The program extracted the files from the ZIP package successfully and acquired" EXTRACTED1b: "The program successfully acquired" EXTRACTED2: "the following data for the Custom Theme from its theme.xml file:" TITLE2: "Title:" THUMBNAIL: "Thumbnail file:" HOMEFILE: "Homescreen Preview file:" LOCKFILE: "Lockscreen Preview file:" PRESSSTART: "Press START to write the above Custom Theme's data into your database." PRESSCIRCLEa: "Press CIRCLE to cancel the installation and delete the extracted files." PRESSCIRCLEb: "Press CIRCLE to cancel the installation." DOWNLOADINGZIP: "Downloading Custom Theme's ZIP file, please wait..." ALLINSTALLOK: "All the Custom Themes installed successfully!" INSTALLED: "Custom Themes currently installed, for a total of" IN: "in" # Custom Theme/Path info CALCULATING: "Calculating size, please wait..." TAKES: "takes" AND: "and" FOLDERS: "folder(s)" PARSING: "Parsing Custom Themes list, please wait..." # Download file screen CONNECTING: "Connecting, please wait..." DOWNLOADINGPW: "Downloading, resizing and drawing preview images, please wait..." LOADINGPREVIEW: "Loading, resizing and drawing preview images, please wait..." DOWNLOADINGLST: "Downloading list of available Custom Themes from the online repo, please wait..." LOADINGLIST: "Loading Custom Themes list from file, please wait..." # Seaching for updates CHECKUPDATES: "Checking latest version available, please wait..." ALREADYLAST: "You are already using the latest version available for this app!" NEWVERSION: "There is a new version available for this application!" SUREDOWNLOAD: "Do you want to download it now?" DOWNLOADINGVPK: "Downloading the VPK of the new version, please wait..." VPK1: "The VPK of the new version has been downloaded successfully at" # Main menu MAINMENU1: "Press RIGHT/LEFT or R/L or the front touchscreen to select an action." MAINMENU2: "Press CROSS or the front touchscreen to confirm." MAINMENU3: "Press SELECT to search for app updates." MAINMENU5: "Press START to reboot the console (recommended after theme(s) un/installation)." DOWNLOADA: "Download a" CUSTOMTHEME: "Custom Theme" INSTALLCT: "Install a Custom Theme" FROMFOLDER: "from a folder" UNINSTALLA: "Uninstall a" CACHEBKP: "Cache & backup" MANAGEMENT: "management" SUREREBOOT: "Are you sure to reboot the console?" # v4.00 new/modified strings DUMPCURRENT: "Dump an" OFFICIALTHEME: "Official Theme" MOREFUNCTION: "More functions" MAINFUNCTION: "Main functions" PARTITIONSET: "Set partition to use" ERR6b: "occurred while deleting the Custom Theme's files from the partition." ERR14: "Unable to open the destination file on the partition." ERR20: "Unable to download the list from the online repo, please try again." ERR25a: "There is not enough free space on the partition." ERR26a: "There is not enough free space on the partition" ERR27a: "There is not enough free space on the partition." ERR28: "There is not enough free space on the partition." ERR48b: "Custom Theme's files deleted from the partition successfully." ERR49b: "An error occurred while deleting the Custom Theme's files from the partition." ERR49c: "Unable to delete all the Custom Theme's files from the partition." ERR60a: "There is no Official Theme currently applied in your PSVita." ERR60b: "Please apply an Official Theme before to use this function." ERR61: "An error occurred while copying files." ERR62: "Network error: HTTP status code != 200." ERR100a: "You have the 'Unsafe Homebrew' option turned off in your Henkaku settings." ERR100b: "This application can NOT work unless you enable that option." ERR100c: "Please go into Henkaku settings, enable that option and then restart this app." DUMPOK: "Official Theme dumped successfully!" ATPATH: "You can find it at the following path:" DUMPING: "Dumping Official Theme's files, please wait..." INFODUMP1: "Thanks to this function you can dump the Official Theme currently applied in your PSVita to the local folder." INFODUMP2: "It works with any type of Official Theme, even the paid ones." INFODUMP3: "It does NOT work with Custom Themes or the PSVita Default theme." INFODUMP4: "The dumped theme will not be encrypted and therefore you'll can use it just as any normal Custom Theme." INFODUMP5: "Note: BEFORE to use this function please remember to apply the Official Theme you want to dump from the PSVita" INFODUMP6: "Theme & Background settings menu or from the specific function of this application you can find in main menu!" DRIVEINFO1: "In this page you can set the default partition to use with this application." DRIVEINFO2: "This means that this application will write/install Custom Themes files by default in the partition" DRIVEINFO3: "you'll set in this page. Please be careful about changing the default partition (ux0)" DRIVEINFO4: "because it could cause strange/unexpected behaviors to your PSVita." DRIVEINFO5: "Note: usually, 'ux0' is the Memory Card, 'ur0' is the PSVita internal memory and" DRIVEINFO6: "'uma0' is the external USB drive or the microSD adapter." DRIVEINFO7: "But be aware that there are plugins that change the partitions assignment, so it may be different for you!" DRIVEINFO8: "If you don't know what you're doing you shouldn't change the default partition." DRIVEDEFAULT: "Current default partition:" DRIVEMENU1: "Press RIGHT or LEFT on D-Pad to change default partition." DRIVEMENU2: "Press START to apply and save changes." DRIVEMENU3: "Press CIRCLE to discard changes and return to main menu." VALSCORE: "Validation score" VALSCORE2: "Validation score:" VALIDS: "valids" WARNINGS: "warnings" ERRORS: "errors" REPOMENU15: "Press SELECT to view the detailed validation report for this Custom Theme" LOADINGVERS: "Searching for new versions of the installed Custom Themes..." NOTEVERS1: "This function works ONLY with Custom Themes downloaded AND installed directly from the online repository" NOTEVERS2: "using the specific function of this application starting from the v4.00." NOTEVERS3: "It does NOT work with Custom Themes installed from the local folder (even if previously downloaded" NOTEVERS4: "with this application) or installed with any other tool/application." NOTEVERS5: "Note: if you have installed any Custom Theme you're sure is also inside the online repository, you can try" NOTEVERS6: "the specific function to search for title/author in order to find a corresponding ID in the online repository." INSTALLEDLIST: "List of installed Custom Themes in alphabetical order:" INSTALLEDVER: "Installed version:" ONLINEVER: "Online version:" IDNOTFOUND: "ID not found" UPGRADEOK: "Custom Theme upgraded successfully!" REPOMENU16: " Press L+R to skip to a specific page (except for list view mode)." SKIPTOPAGE: "Skip to page:" DPADANALOG: "D-Pad/Analog = change" SUCCESSID1: "A corresponding ID has been successfully found in the online repository" SUCCESSID2: "and it has been correctly applied to the installed Custom Theme!" SUCCESSID3: "From now on you'll can check if there are new versions" SUCCESSID4: "available for this Custom Theme in the online repository." ERRORID1: "An error occurred while searching in the online repository." ERRORID2: "Please try again later." ERRORID3: "Unable to find a corresponding ID for the Custom Theme in the online repository." ERRORID4: "Are you really sure that the Custom Theme is in the online repository?" ERRORID5: "Please visit http://psv.altervista.org to check manually." THEMEVERMENU1: "This Custom Theme" THEMEVERMENU2: "has not an ID of the" THEMEVERMENU3: "online repository" THEMEVERMENU4: "A new version is" THEMEVERMENU5: "available online!" THEMEVERMENU6: "Installed version is" THEMEVERMENU7: "already up to date" MAINMENU6: "Apply an installed theme" MAINMENU7: "Download and install a new Custom Theme from the online repository" MAINMENU8: "Install a Custom Theme from the local folder" MAINMENU9: "Uninstall a Custom Theme" MAINMENU10: "Dump an Official Theme to the local folder" MAINMENU11: "Check online repository for new versions of the installed Custom Themes" MAINMENU12: "Set default partition to use for Custom Themes installations" MAINMENU13: "Cache and DB backups management" CHECKVER1: "Press CROSS to update selected Custom Theme to its latest online version." CHECKVER2: "Press SELECT to search for a corresponding ID in the online repository" UPGRADENOTE1: "To avoid corruptions that could be caused by overwriting the old files or" UPGRADENOTE2: "maybe keeping some of them no longer needed, the upgrade procedure will install" UPGRADENOTE3: "the new version as a totally new Custom Theme." UPGRADENOTE4: "The old version will be uninstalled automatically after the successful installation" UPGRADENOTE5: "of the new one, this to avoid losing the Custom Theme entirely in case anything" UPGRADENOTE6: "goes wrong while upgrading." UPGRADENOTE7: "Are you really sure to proceed with the upgrade?" REPOMENU9: " Press SELECT to change view modes." MEMTAKES: "In your partition this Custom Theme takes" SIZE2P: "Size:" UNIMENU10: "Press SELECT to un/select a Custom Theme." SUREUNINSTALL2: "This will delete Custom Theme's files from the partition too." SUREREMOVE2: "Custom Theme's files on the partition will NOT be deleted." APPCACHE: "Application cache size" DELETINGBKP: "Deleting app.db file backup from partition, please wait..." DELETINGFILES: "Deleting files from the partition, please wait..." VPK2: "Now molecularShell/VitaShell will be launched to let you to install it." MAINMENU4: "Press CIRCLE to play or stop the BGM." CTCURRENTLY: "Custom Themes available" IMPORTING: "Importing preview images, please wait..."