Error: unable to send a http request.

Issue #41 resolved
Лал created an issue

Hello, I need help with this error.

I searched on reddit, youtube, twitter but never found a solution. I cleared the cache, reinstalled the app and it didn’t help. Everything is fine with the Internet. Please help me.

Comments (15)

  1. Лал reporter

    no, we don't have vpn. Of the plugins, only showing the percentage of the battery, trophy shot, music during games and downloading files from the Internet.

  2. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Please try to disable all of them and see if it works, if so please try to enable one by one to discover which is the one who create the incompatibility

  3. Лал reporter

    hello, I don't know if you're still here, but I decided to exit my psn and enter it back in and everything worked!!!

  4. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Unfortunatly I’m out of ideas then, sorry. If you have already tried to uninstall it completely and reinstall it I really don't know what else I can suggest you to try. I'm also at 3.65 and it still works flawlessly here. Also, the program does not receive an update since two or three years so I doubt this is a bug just from its side, it would surely have come up in this time frame out there. There must be something on your side that is preventing it from being able to connect to the online repository but apart from everything suggested above I really don't have a clue what that might be, sorry

  5. Red Squirrel repo owner

    Good, I'm glad you found the solution 😄 And thank you for reporting it back here, it will surely be useful to anyone else who will run into the same problem 👍🏻

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