Unable to open downloaded zip folder

Issue #42 duplicate
Former user created an issue

I can download themes but the manager always comes up with this error

Comments (6)

  1. Red Squirrel repo owner

    You are probably getting error pages from Google Drive instead of real ZIP files, maybe are you in any of those countries that block access to Google services?

  2. Giangiobaldo bum

    I have the exact same problem but where I live Google services are not banned…please help

  3. Red Squirrel repo owner

    The online repository has been closed so the downloading feature of the program will not work anymore

  4. Giangiobaldo bum

    Just saw the announcement on your website. I’m really sorry that’s not fair, after all the hardwork you went through. I just got myself a Psvita and I already knew about your well-done app so I couldn’t wait to download themes from it. Thank you very much for your efforts throughout all these years. Cheers from Italy.

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