[1.19.2] "Effortless Building is not yet supported in survival mode"

Issue #159 closed
Keane Carotenuto created an issue

I have just updated to effortlessbuilding-1.19.2-3.0, the existing server claims in chat that:

Effortless Building is not yet supported in survival mode

So, I created a new world, tried it out fresh and it still didn’t work. I took a look at the new server.toml file and tried fiddling with the settings.
allowInSurvival = true, useWhitelist = false, whitelist = ["MyName", "FriendsName"]
Changing any of the above seemed to have no effect on it in survival mode, the error still appears.

The mod did however work in creative mode.

Attached are the config files

Comments (4)

  1. Keane Carotenuto reporter

    😅 oops my bad. The available settings made me think survival usage was possible, and I was just doing something wrong.
    I shall revert version, thanks!

  2. Requios repo owner

    Because I did a complete rewrite of the mod and didn’t get to the survival features yet.

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