Crash from climbing up/down ladders/beanstalks/etc

Issue #6 resolved
Former user created an issue

0.3.4; we just updated and every time we climbed the screen would flash completely white and crash the game.

Crash log for one of our server members:

We're just gonna roll back until it's fixed, thanks for your hard work on the nice mod :)

Comments (4)

  1. Requios repo owner

    I cannot recreate this bug and the code it crashes on is very basic, that should always work. I see you have a lot of other mods as well, any of those could be the cause. Could you give me a modpack + world download?

  2. Scott Hendrickson

    I have the white screen crash upon climbing ladders after creating a downward mineshaft. Break blocks down to Y 11 - Array Y -1, Count 52. Place ladders with same settings. Mount ladders. Crash.

    Happens at times in both survival and creative. Not always in creative though. Maybe problem with having the array setting turned on while descending, where block preview encounters void. Can't pinpoint.

    Very slim pack:

  3. Requios repo owner

    I managed to recreate this bug with your additional information. It is to do with the block previews but there is no issue with the void. The issue is that Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver is null in rare instances when looking down ladders. This shouldn't happen (it should rather return a RayTraceResult with type MISS), but apparently it does, even in vanilla.

    I now check for null every time I use it. Will be fixed in the next version which will be released in the next couple of days (adding some features too).

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