Navigating between aura bundle files doesnt work

Issue #1017 resolved
Patryk Organa created an issue

Ctrl + alt + home doesnt display components from bundle, when having custom structure of sfdx project.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for reporting, Patryk. Can you provide a concrete example of the directory structure you're using that results in this issue to help accelerate the debugging process?

  2. Patryk Organa reporter


    When I press Ctrl + alt + home it opens only meta-xml file of bundle, instead of poping-up normal picklist to choose controller, helper styles etc.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Patryk. I mainly wanted to see the structure. Now I see that you have a component under what it would be looking at as a bundle directory (child of aura). Obviously one of the hallmarks of SFDX is the more flexible directory structure, so that should be totally fine...IC is likely just using some old constraints to determine the metadata type. This is almost certainly going to affect functionality beyond Go To Related navigation. I'll take a look and address it.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    This should be resolved completely in (along with a ton of other issues around flexible project structure). Please let me know if not.

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