Added the ability to view/add/manage zipfiles used as static resources in Salesforce

Issue #1019 resolved
Ruben Figueroa created an issue

Added the ability to view/add/manage zipfiles used as static resources in Salesforce. This is a feature that is missing from the plugin that is available in competing products

Comments (8)

  1. Ruben Figueroa reporter

    The issue is that it does automatically detect a static bundles, you have to tell it.

    The current IDE we are using (welkinsuites) automatically does this for you

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  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just so I understand, Ruben, would the goal be that the IDE finds all zip-type static resource files and automatically converts them into bundles? If so, I think that would need to be optional as I know many folks who have zip static resources but don't work with them as bundles. I wouldn't want the IDE "polluting" the filesystem (especially when it's under version control) unexpectedly. That's why this is an explicit operation right now. Basically you just right-click on any zip-type static resource, tell IC to convert it into a bundle, and likely check the resulting directory into version control as the "master" for that source.

    Sorry again if I'm misunderstanding. This is just the first time I've heard such a request since I added this feature to the IDE.

  3. Ruben Figueroa reporter
  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for clarifying. In the spirit of candor, this won't likely happen for some time as I have a long backlog of critical items ahead of it (more refactorings and code inspections, OAuth support, Lightning enhancements, etc.), but I'll definitely keep it on the backlog for relative prioritization.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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