Intellij Idea freezes when typing nested maps

Issue #1023 resolved
Oleg Malitsky created an issue

Win 10, last Idea build, last IC2.

How to reproduce: Start with nm as and try to make some nested maps. Idea will hang in third or fourth.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Oleg. I've been unable to reproduce this myself. Could you reproduce it and then get a thread dump of the IntelliJ IDEA process? Please let me know if you're not sure how to grab a thread dump for a local Java process.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I was able to reproduce this. I had misunderstood the issue originally thinking it was nested map initializers, but referring back to your screenshot, I can see that it's nested type parameters. I was able to capture the frozen state in the debugger and it's basically getting stuck trying to suggest a variable name for a map declaration that doesn't yet have one. This is because the nm live template doesn't suggest a name for the new Map variable until you tab through the key and value type parameters.

    I tried changing the live template so that it initializes with a default variable name, e.g., newMap, to see if that might avoid the issue (albeit with lowered usability for that live template IMO), but it didn't make a difference. At about the sixth or seventh nested type parameter, things either got unusably slow or locked up.

    Looking at where this is expression type evaluation which is a VERY sensitive and critical aspect of IC...I'm concerned about the risk of trying to change/optimize things in that area for this use case. How often do you find yourself needing to create such deeply-nested generic data structures like this? I assume it's to hold a raw deserialized JSON object or something?

  3. Oleg Malitsky reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I'm appreciate that you find some time to dig into this issue. I was able to find this issue accidentally, and i've never have a strong need to use such deep nested maps. Don't think that it have to be fixed if it take more than 2-4 hours or it's origin is that complex as you told in your answer :)

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, thanks for the context. Given the niche nature of the issue and the potential complexity/risk of a fix, I'm going to resolve this until/unless it becomes a real issue for someone. Thanks again!

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