Live Templates no longer present

Issue #1032 resolved
Anthony Sanchez created an issue

I installed IC on a new machine and I noticed that the Live Templates are no longer present.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's bizarre. What version of IntelliJ/WebStorm did you install? Are there any errors in the log?

  2. Anthony Sanchez reporter

    I'm running IDEA Ultimate 2018.1.4.

    I'm not seeing any errors in the log that pertain to the plugin. I've attached a clean log with just IDE start up and shutdown.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Weird. And this is against a clean install of both WebStorm and IC2, correct? If so, I'll need to try to reproduce it locally. I've not ever seen anything like this where a few live templates are listed but most are missing.

  4. Anthony Sanchez reporter

    No its Intellij IDEA.

    I was trying out WebStorm initially on the same machine if you think that might be relevant.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. I saw my own WebStorm comment at the top and mentally locked into that, I guess. No, I don't think the two would cross-contaminate. I'll just need to try to reproduce it. In the interim, you could try to do a scorched earth reinstall of both IDEA and IC2 and see if the same thing occurs. That's pretty much what I'm going to do, but it will likely be later this week before I can do so as I'm currently traveling and won't be in a place where I can do that until late Wednesday or early Thursday.

  6. Anthony Sanchez reporter

    Hmm it must be something in my particular setup. Doing a clean install with no other plugins gives me all the Live Templates.

    I'll try narrowing it down to see if there's a specific culprit. Feel free to close this one out.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad that did it for you, but I'm also curious as to how things got into that state. If you ever see it (or anything similar) happen again, please let me know. And if you determine that it's an interaction with a another plugin, please let me know that as well.

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