Creating Scratch Orgs does not use defaultdevhubusername

Issue #1034 resolved
James Melville created an issue

Webstorm 2018.1.5 IC

When I create a new scratch org, the default selected DevHub to use is not the one configured in SFDX sfdx force:config:get defaultdevhubusername

IC should use the defaultdevhubusername as the default DevHub to create a scratch org from.

I've not attached the logs but can see that the response to sfdx.exe force:org:list --json includes these properties on the appropriate DevHub: "isDevHub": true, "isDefaultDevHubUsername": true,

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    James, if more than one dev hub is registered, IC should prompt you as to which dev hub should be used to create the scratch org in the new scratch org dialog. Is that not happening?

  2. James Melville reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Yes I have multiple devhubs registered, and IC displays them in a dropdown list. But the default selected devhub from that list is not the default one configured in SFDX.



    Create New Scratch Org has different devhub defaulted:


  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    You know, that occurred to me just after I posted the previous response. Yep, makes total sense. I'll take care of it!

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