Rerun Failed Tests does not Rerun ignored tests

Issue #1045 resolved
James Melville created an issue

When a test class fails due to it failing to compile, one method in that test is marked as failed, the others are ignored. When you click Rerun tests, the failed method is re-run, but not the ignored methods.

Rerun failed tests should also rerun ignored tests.

Win10 / Webstorm 2018.1.5 / IC2.0.2.6

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    James, by default skipped tests are treated by IntelliJ IDEA/WebStorm as ignored and are therefore not included in Rerun Failed Tests operations. You can configure this behavior so that these are treated as failures in which case they'll be included:


    Let me know if that doesn't provide the desired behavior.

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