IDE broken after plugin installation

Issue #105 resolved
Andreas Wölfl created an issue

Problem: The installation of the illuminated cloud plugin breaks the IDE. A click on the "create new project" button shows no reaction. An attempt to open a existing (java) project results in an error message (see screenshot attached).

How to reproduce: Install the illuminated cloud plugin from the repository in IntelliJ IDEA

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 Ultimate

Plugin: ver, updated 8/28/15

edit:Logfile attached, says: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 [Plugin: com.illuminatedcloud.intellij]

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Wölfl reporter

    Hi Scott,

    thanks for your quick and helpful response. Switching to Java 7 resolves the issue in deed. The only drawback is the awful font rendering in IntelliJ IDEA with Oracle Java 7 on OSX. However, i gladly accept this issue with regard to the huge productivity gain of illuminated cloud compared to forceIDE etc.



    edit: IntellJ IDEA 15 EAP comes with a custom Java 8 JDK that resolves the font rendering issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear! I've found some small issues in IDEA 15 that I still need to resolve, in particular around static resources. I'll be concentrating on knocking those down as we get closer to its official release. Hope you enjoy the plugin!

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