Runaway number of processes when Running Apex Tests with Coverage in DX environment

Issue #1050 duplicate
Marc Paris created an issue

When running a DX project and trying to run a Test with Coverage data (single class), when a push might have been occurring (perhaps kicked off the test too early while a push was ongoing) a weird race condition seems to occur and the number of processes (lower right corner of the image -2044 in the image) keeps going up and the IDE slows down and virtually hangs. I need to kill the IDE and start over.

I'm not 100% sure if it requires a push to be in process when a Run with Coverage is triggered (i.e may occur when Run with Coverage is triggered without a push in the mix) - It's sporadic.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    While this is happening in an SFDX project here, it appears to be the same issue from issue #686 which I'm planning to try to fix again this weekend. Please watch for progress on that ticket, and thanks for reporting!

  2. Marc Paris Account Deactivated reporter

    Awesome thanks. Never hit this issue before but since this is the first DX project I was working on, I assumed it was related to the interplay with the sfdx cli and IC

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