Add deployed components to existing changeset using fullName

Issue #1061 new
Justin Julicher created an issue

When you do a deploy to a sandbox it would be good if you could specify the outbound changeset name so that Salesforce automatically adds the components to that changeset.

The package.xml must have the attribute fullName populated.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package xmlns="">

see this blog for reference.

would be good to also have the reverse and pull one in.

Comments (4)

  1. Justin Julicher Account Deactivated reporter

    oh the changeset must exist first before you run this. If you run it without it existing then you won't be able to deploy the same changeset again as it will cite 'existing changeset with that name'.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Another aspect of this work from!msg/qanda/LDDdhulY0pY/MHP76-TrAAAJ:

    Suggestion: IC should be able to add updated objects to SFDC changesets

    Particularly for orgs that haven't loaded their Salesforce code into an external Source Control system, or installed something like Gearset or Copado, it would be a great help if Illuminated Cloud would prompt to add newly updated files to a Salesforce outbound changeset. IDEA already asks to add files to version control if a VCS is enabled on a particular project, and leveraging the SF Metadata API to do something similar would be a great help towards not forgetting to migrate particular changes.

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