SOQL query shows large Decimal(16,2) values in Scientific Notation - option to disable?

Issue #1070 resolved
Jason Clark created an issue

When querying large (for some definition of large - haven't done extensive testing) decimal values in the SOQL Query pane, the results can show Scientific Notation. For example, the first Prin Installment value is 14,412,092.88; I'd like the option to show all decimal results with commas and as many decimals as match the field spec (e.g., Decimal(16,2) should show 2 decimals).

Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 12.39.11 PM.png

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jason, IC should be showing exactly what was returned by the API with no translation performed (it's all returned as string values anyway). If you have the sfdx CLI installed and auth'ed into this org, what is shown if you run the same SOQL query with it? My guess is that it will show the same thing, but if not that would clearly designate IC as the offending party here.

  2. Jason Clark reporter

    Thanks Scott, I should have though to test with force:data:soql:query. I just did, and it looks like IC is the culprit:

    Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 10.23.57 AM.png

    No commas, but at least I can tell where the decimals are at a glance.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Grooming the issue tracker, and I don't think this is an issue any longer:

    Feel free to reopen if you're still seeing it, though, ideally with a concrete reproduction.

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