Metadata subscription pointing to 'null,' cannot choose package.xml file

Issue #1073 resolved
Luke Miller created an issue

I just reinstalled IntelliJ and Illuminated Cloud after a computer issue and set up my project with the appropriate connections. The project was cloned down from GitHub into a local folder and then used to set the project up.

When setting up the module, I selected the package.xml that was cloned from GitHub. However, I am now getting the following error whenever I try to click 'Resolve' on the Event Log:

Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 4.33.46 PM.png

When I open the Project Structure, I can see as in the screenshot below that the package.xml is still selected but blank and grayed out. Attempting to reselect it appears to work normally, but still results in a blank field:

Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 4.33.53 PM.png

Is there a known issue / workaround for this? Or (more likely) am I missing something that might cause this problem?

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Luke, this may be due to how your project is configured. IC currently requires that your content and source roots be under your project directory. If your project directory is, for example, /home/projects/myProject and you have your source (and therefore package.xml file) under /home/projects/git/myProjectSource, you won't be able to select that package.xml. You'll need to create your project at /home/projects/git/myProjects instead.

    Is that perhaps what's going on here?

  2. Luke Miller reporter

    Hey Scott, you were absolutely correct. I just deleted the project file and started the creation process over. It appears the project folder got set up in my User folder, and I had the source folder set up in a subfolder of my Developer folder.

    I just stepped back through the process, ensured all folders were designated the same, and it's working correctly now.

    Thank you for your fast response!

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, my pleasure, Luke. Glad that helped! I'm going to keep this open for now to remind me to remove that rather artificial restriction. It's all based on an assumption in the way that IC stores the relative path to the package.xml file. It wants it to be relative to the project root but it should be relative to the content root. That would allow you to set up projects as you want.

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