JDK9 compatibility issues

Issue #1074 resolved
Piotr Kożuchowski created an issue

IntelliJ prompted me for updates today (IntelliJ 2018.2.1 and Illuminated Cloud After the updates, Illuminated Cloud does not work anymore. The plugin is loaded and I can see all options, but Force Save/Deploy/ Retrieve actions does not work - there's no reaction at all.

Also, when I navigate to Configure Application, select any connection and click Test - there's no reaction as well.

Strange enough, when IntelliJ is indexing, I'm getting "Cannot deploy when IntelliJ is indexing." error on deployment/refresh.

I've tried reinstalling IntelliJ, but there's no difference.

I'm attaching idea.log, I hope you will find it helpful.

Kind Regards, Piotr

Comments (6)

  1. Piotr Kożuchowski reporter

    I'm not sure if IntelliJ started using JDK 9 or Illuminated Cloud stopped working with JDK 9, since I didn't change anything in the JDK Home settings. Anyway, this issue was resolved when I deleted my environmental variables for IntelliJ 64 JDK Path and returned to bundled JDK.

    I'm leaving this open as a heads up that there might be problem with IC and JDK 9. Kind Regards,

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry, I never did reply to this. I haven't tried IC on Java 9, but it's not surprising that there might be issues. I'll try to do a smoke test and fix any low-hanging fruit issues in the near future so that hopefully it can sit on Java 9 just fine. It all depends on the types of issues encountered and whether they're in IC and therefore under my control or in the base IDE and therefore less under my control.

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