UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: Destination URL not reset.

Issue #1076 resolved
Derek Wiers created an issue

Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 3.24.20 PM.png

I refreshed one of my sandboxes, then once the org was good and ready (and logins were working from test.salesforce.com), I went to IC and retrieved, then refreshed, then re-gened the OST. Upon the OST update, the standard "full" or "SObjects Only" decision appeared - I chose full. After a brief moment of the progress dialog appearing, the above appeared.

Having just written a Python deployment program using the SOAP partner and metadata APIs, I recognized it instantly (I got that very same error I don't know how many times until I figured it out). I'll try and restart IC/IJ and see if that fixes it. Maybe re-check the connection, etc - either way I wanted to log this so you know it could be a thing, at least sometimes. This is the first time this has happened (although I just tried to run the OST twice now)

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