IntelliJ posts an "Invalid configuration for module" error even when creating non-IC projects

Issue #1077 resolved
Alan Birchenough created an issue

When I use File -> New -> Project in IntelliJ Idea Ultimate edition, I get this error complaining about the absence of an OST no matter what kind of project it is. (In my case, if it's not an IC project it is usually a Maven-based Java project or a Leiningen-based Clojure project.)

Did I miss a setting somewhere that would avoid this error, or do I continue to just ignore it?

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    It must be detecting some file in the project that it thinks is a Salesforce source file. You can click the Ignore link and it won't ever ask you again about that project (actually that module to be precise).

    For what it's worth, IC basically looks for *.cls under a classes directory, *.trigger under a triggers directory, *.page under a pages directory, *.component under a components directory, *.resource under a staticresources directory, and *.app/*.cmp two levels below an aura directory.

    If you'd like to know exactly why it's considering this project/module as a candidate to convert for IC, you can add the following under Help>Debug Log Settings and idea.log will show the full analysis:


    If it does seem to be reaching a false conclusion based on what I described above, don't hesitate to attach or email the relevant extract from the log and I'll take a look.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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