Open Connection fails on DX orgs after some time

Issue #1105 duplicate
Aidan Harding created an issue

When I use the "Open Connection" menu to open my DX org in a browser, and IC has been sat open since the day before, it fails the first time.

If I do a Pull first, I get the dialog which says something like "Listing DX connections", then the Pull works, then "Open Connection" works fine.

Maybe the session is expiring and IC isn't fully handling that? I don't know, but hopefully you can reproduce from just this. If not, I can grab a log when I try tomorrow morning.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aidan, I've merged this into #939. As you'll see there, I've reproduced this and have a few ideas on how to resolve this. A fix should be included in one of the next few builds.

  2. Aidan Harding reporter

    Thanks, I did search, but didn't find that other one. Good to hear it's already on your radar.

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