Include PMD Support for Visual Force as well as apex

Issue #1180 duplicate
Aisling Dempsey created an issue

Currently PMD integration via inspections only operates using PMD Apex (via the "-language apex" flag in the command being run in the terminal behind the scenes. It would be great to be able to set up another inspection for pmd-visualforce which lets someone specify a ruleset to run, such as the security ruleset

An alternative option to making a second inspection would also be to not specify the language "apex" and let users specify multiple rulesets by name (rather than by path, using names like apex-ruleset, apex-security, vf-security etc). This would result in an underlying command like:

pmd pmd -d <project directory> -f xml -rulesets <ruleset 1 name>,<ruleset 2 name> -failOnViolation false

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Aisling. Thanks for filing. I didn't even know that there was a PMD-Visualforce project. I'll definitely take a look shortly.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I don't typically resolve older issues against newer ones, but with the recent change to a real-time inspection, it makes sense to me to do so in this case. This should be resolved with the next official build.

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