After updating to Intellij 2018.3.1 on Ubuntu Linux IC plug in won't load

Issue #1189 resolved
Marc Paris created an issue

I get the following error (see attachment) after upgrading to 2018.3.1 on a Linux Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. I have the latest updates from Ubuntu.

Comments (5)

  1. Marc Paris Account Deactivated reporter

    I'm not sure if this is a fix / workaround or was just part of my existing setup, but I closed all existing projects Closed IntelliJ Started IntelliJ again. Went to plug ins, disabled / re-enabled the IC2 plug in and restarted IntelliJ, it fixed the problem and now the IC2 plug in and facets work.

  2. Marc Paris Account Deactivated reporter

    I think this was channeling the IT crowd .... I tried turning it off and on again and it worked.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry for the delayed response, Marc. Yes, please let me know if it recurs. I have 2018.3.1 installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux (also an up-to-date Ubuntu install) and haven't seen any issues, but certainly if you have a recurrence let me know and I'll investigate what's going on.

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