LWC Component Names

Issue #1193 resolved
Daniel Stefan created an issue

Hi Scott,

just saw your preview Video for LWC Support in IC and spotted that your Component Wizard creates tag and folders with underscores.

Salesforce recommends in their documentation to use camelCase so e. g. orderBuilder instead of order_builder which is automatically mapped to kebab-case in markup. While underscores are still valid it may makes sense to align it to their recommendation or at least offer an checkbox option in the Dialog?

Best Regards

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yep, I'm putting together an update now for latest changes from Salesforce. The current state represents about a month ago (or maybe longer) that I'd implemented and then shelved until I found out that they were going to announce it this week. Should be resolved very shortly along with a few other items!

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