Error 403/Forbidden - INVALID_INPUT: This class name's value is invalid

Issue #1201 resolved
Nikos Mitrakis created an issue

Hi Scott,

I moved a project from a Developer org with namespace (xyz) to a Developer org without namespace. When I try to run any test method, I get the following error message:

Error 403/Forbidden - INVALID_INPUT: This class name's value is invalid: xyz.MyClassTest. Provide the name of an Apex class that has test methods.

Test ignored. Test method MyClassTest.myMethod was never reported as completed. Perhaps it doesn't exist on the server?

Since all classes are compiled on server., my understanding is that the xyz namespace at the front of class MyClassTest (xyz.MyClassTest) creates the issue, but how did this namespace survive? And how can be erased?

Regards, Nikos

Comments (4)

  1. Nikos Mitrakis reporter

    The issue was fixed - I just forgot the Organization Namespace on connection settings. Many wishes for a happy new year!

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