Inspection - List<String>{} is not recognized as List<APEX_OBJECT>

Issue #1211 resolved
Tony Tong created an issue

It seems to have just appeared in the latest version ( ... or at least I've not noticed it until today.

This code flags an inspection error of Expected argument of type List<APEX_OBJECT>; found List<String> (see attachment)

String caseSubject = String.format(OpportunityHeaderByStageControllerExt.ISSUE_POLICY_TASK, new List<String>{

But this is (properly) not flagged.

List<String> ret = new List<String>();

Comments (15)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's really strange. APEX_OBJECT should not show up's purposefully replaced with Object during OST generation. Let me tinker and see if I can reproduce this. I might need more information from you if I can't. Thanks for reporting!

  2. Gustavo Serrano Diez

    It is happening to me also, but using List<Object> instead, both apex code and anonymous apex (I'm using version v2.0.5.2), see image:

    • APEX_OBJECT-issue.png
  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good to know....I'd rather see a pattern than a one-off. This is on my list of bugs to investigate (and ideally address) for the next build. I'll let you both know if I have trouble reproducing it and/or need additional info from you.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I do get an IC inspection error, but mine reads:

    Expected argument of type List<String>; found List<Object>

    If I try to send that code to the server, I get the following compilation error:

    Compile failure on line 1, column 21: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void format(String, List<Object>) from the type String

    So I think that Gustavo's example isn't valid, is it? However, Tony's does use a list of strings and yields the same message. As I mentioned previously, though, there shouldn't be any remaining APEX_OBJECT references after OST generation. Can one or both of you guys show me how String.format() is rendered into the OST? Here's mine:

        global static String format(String format, List<String> arguments)
  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aha! That's an API v45.0/Spring '19 change and is not GA yet. Are you working against a pre-release org?

    Here are the signatures for 44.0 and 45.0 respectively:

    // 44.0
    public static String format(String stringToFormat, List<String> formattingArguments)
    // 45.0
    public static String format(String stringToFormat, List<Object> formattingArguments)

    IC's integrated API docs are based on the most recent release, so they reflect 44.0/Summer '18. I will update those when I update the plugin for 45.0/Spring '19 once it's been released in all orgs. In the interim, if you're working against a Spring '19 pre-release org, it should be accepted as valid from a compilation standpoint, and it's possible that regenerating your OST will update the method signature for 45.0 as depends on whether Salesforce has updated for that change pervasively or not.

    The List<APEX_OBJECT> false negative that both of you are seeing is likely unrelated to that difference, though, so I'll continue to investigate it.

  6. Tony Tong reporter

    ahhh - looks like that's the issue.

    i'm on cs20 ... which looks to be Spring '19 Patch 6.1 (v45.0)

    Thanks for the investigation ... I probably should have considered that before I filed the ticket (though now you have something to verify for an upcoming release).

    Scott - Big fan of IC ... keep up the great work!



  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. As you said, still something to address, but perhaps something that only a few folks will encounter right now. I have some Spring '19 orgs that I use for dev on the LWC stuff. I'll check this out against them and see what's going on. I'll keep you posted here!

    And definitely glad to hear that you're enjoying IC! Much appreciated!

  8. Sven Kretschmann

    Hi Scott,

    just wanted to add that this issue also occurs when generating the complete OST with a v44 connection against a Spring '19 org (CS85):

    global static String format(String format, List<APEX_OBJECT> arguments) {

    Hope this helps, until then, just like Tony stated: Keep up the great work. ;)

    Cheers, Sven

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the confirmation, Sven. I'll take a look today/tonight and, assuming it's reproducible (I see no reason it wouldn't be), I'll incorporate a fix for the next build.

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