Multi-line text in soql results panel is not visible

Issue #1224 resolved
Jeremy Ross created an issue

If query results include multi-line text, only the first line is visible. There doesn't seem to be a way to increase the vertical height of the row. Expanding the cell horizontally doesn't help, since the text can contact hard wraps.


Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for filing, Jeremy. I have a few things to work on ahead of this (including some other changes in these tool windows), but I'll chew on how this might be best handled.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Grooming the issue tracker. I don't think this is an issue any longer as multi-line text is now displayed using a fixed-width font with newlines removed:


    And of course you can copy the cell contents or even export the entire result set to a file to externalize the longer value if desired.

    Let me know if you're still seeing this behavior, though.

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