Can not run new test methods created from an existing one

Issue #1252 resolved
Marko Čirič created an issue

Case: Fully working test class with existing test methods, everything works fine.

Lets say i have test methods:

  • firstStep();
  • secondStep();
  • thirdStep();

Then i decide i need to split a method in two, lets say I split the secondStep() method, it doesnt matter which one it is. I highlight secondStep(); duplicate the code, change the name of frist secondStep(); to secondStepFirstHalf(); and the second secondStep(); to the secondStepSecondHalf();

I have these methods now:

  • firstStep();
  • secondStepFirstHalf();
  • secondStepSecondHalf();
  • thirdStep();

When i run the whole test class, it shows the list of test methods that existed before the change, and after completed test run the list looks like this:

  • ✓ firstStep();
  • Ø secondStep();
  • ✓ thirdStep();

If I run any of the new methods I get the response as seen in this image.

In Salesforce developer console I can run tests successfully.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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