Autocomplete suggestions on new install use default ordering

Issue #1254 resolved
Ivan Kulisic created an issue

I upgraded my IntelliJ IDEA to version 2018.3.5 by uninstalling and freshly installing and then installed Illuminated Cloud 2 again. Since then, autocomplete no longer shows most common suggestions first.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ivan, the behavior you're seeing may be expected given the fresh reinstall. IC doesn't currently order things itself. It relies on the base IDE to maintain statistics on which completions are accepted most often and to order results accordingly. On a fresh install, those statistics are also clean until you've used them for a while.

    I do plan to add better default ordering of completions based on type agreement with what's expected at the point of insertion, but at present I believe what you're seeing is what I'd expect on a reinstall.

    Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding the nature of the reported issue.

  2. Ivan Kulisic reporter

    Scott, in that case, I offer my apologies. I thought it had to be an IC function. Please discard my bug report.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, no problem at all. As you may have noticed, I changed the issue summary to reflect the actual work required to provide the expected/desired behavior, and I'll keep it around for when I do implement better default ordering of completion results.

    Don't ever hesitate to reach out about things that aren't working as expected and/or desired!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. Considerable work was done on completion suggestion ordering quite a bit back. Hopefully this is properly addressed.

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